Achieving HCERES re-accreditation at the educational institution level not only contributes to affirming the reputation of the quality of training and research of the Ho Chi Minh University of Technology but also serves as a buffer for educational internationalization activities—the University’s potential soon.

After nearly 02 years of preparation and fully meeting the accreditation conditions, in April 2024, the French High Council for Research Evaluation & Higher Education (HCERES) officially recognized the HCMUT as achieving re-accreditation standards valid for 05 years without conditions. With this recognition form, the HCMUT does not have to implement the recommendations in the evaluation report and the monitoring work from HCERES.
In 2017, the University was honored to be one of the first four universities in Vietnam to meet HCERES accreditation standards with accreditation valid for 05 years (2017-2022). Genuinely receiving comments/recommendations from HCERES during the first accreditation, units within the University have made plans to improve quality according to HCERES’ new 2022 standards to prepare for this re-accreditation.
Accordingly, the new set of standards in 2022 has 17 standards in 03 areas: (1) strategic and operational management; (2) policies on scientific research and innovation; (3) the University’s training and student policies. In particular, content “innovation” is mentioned as one of the main tasks that HCMUT promotes among lecturers and learners to encourage results in recent years.

Preparing carefully since October 2022, HCMUT officially welcomed a delegation of 07 HCERES experts for a 2-day direct assessment on November 27-28, 2023. The delegation conducted 22 interview sessions with the Board of Presidency, University Council, Faculty/Department/Center leaders, lecturers, partner businesses, alumni, and students, directly inspecting the facilities and laboratories to draw the most comprehensive and accurate conclusions.
Achieving HCERES accreditation certifies that a training facility respects and masters the criteria set by HCERES and means recognition of the quality of this training facility. It is also the result of the process of the University and its partners, Alumni, and students constantly making efforts and actively coordinating to achieve the most effective re-accreditation.
HCMUT would like to thank the support of the HCERES organization and the companionship of partners, Alumni, students, teachers, and other units in contributing to improving the quality and position of the University.
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